The Best MBA Dissertation Topics On HR For Undergraduates

Human Resource Department is considered to be one of integral components of an organization. The department plays a vital role in conferring success to the organization. Human Resource professionals are also known to be responsible for managing the work force of the organization, evaluating the candidates for the required job positions, assessing performance of the employees, to name a few. Choosing Human resource to pursue a career is certainly an excellent decision if you are planning for a postgraduate degree. The doctoral dissertation happens to the final step as one is close to getting the degree in HR management. In this extended paper, research and analysis is performed and you need to prepare a unique case study for efficacious management of organization.

Here are few of the dissertation topics you can start with for researching and analyzing the doctoral dissertation studies:

  1. Analyzing the Role and Contribution of HR Department
  2. As mentioned earlier, HR department forms an essential part of an organization. However there are still companies existing that refers HR as the administrative domain. Thus this research reveals that HR department happens to be the backbone of an organization and thus acknowledges the contribution and role of an HR department within the organization.

  3. Commitment towards work : Full time versus Part time employees
  4. The study on the topic focuses on the commitment theories and how it is applicable to core and peripheral employees of an organization. The research indicates whether part time employees are committed towards work as full time workers , what are the primary factors that make an employee committed towards an organization.

  5. Significance of a flexible work environment
  6. The concept of flexible working environment is not new. Statistics show that flexible work environment enhances the work flow within the organization. The flexible work environment enable the employees to choose their own work time, thereby multiplying the productivity of an organization.

  7. Importance of job satisfaction within an organization
  8. It goes without saying that the employees play an indispensable role in enhancing the smooth running of an organization. Thus it is paramount that the employees should have the right job satisfaction so that they can add to the productivity of the company.

  9. Enhancing Performance via Employee Engagement
  10. The study reveals how the HR department can add to the potency of an organization by engaging the employees. The study acknowledges the relation between employee engagement and satisfaction with the supervisor.

  11. An in-depth Analysis of Staff Motivation and Team Work
  12. Team work within the organization is paramount in widening the productivity of an organization. This study explains how the team can work together to achieve the goal. The study also reveals the way to create an effective team with an eye to make the best use of the available resources.

  13. Assessing the Factors That Affect Employee’s Personal Decision to Leave the organization
  14. This study focuses on analyzing the factors which has let the employees decide to leave the company. The turn over of the employees is certainly one of the crucial phenomenon in an organization as it involves a wide number of costs in the company which is inclusive of recruitment, replacement, etc.

  15. Results of employee turn over on the organization
  16. Employee turnover happens to be a serious issue for management of employer. It affects the performance of the organization and created various troubles in the operation of the business. Thus this study focuses on the factors how the turnover affects the productivity of the organization.

  17. Challenges faced by higher management when employee motivation happens to be an issue
  18. Employee motivation is undoubtedly an integral part of HR management. The study emphasizes on the importance of motivating the employees within an organization.

  19. A study involving various means for enhancing Employee Productivity in an Organization
  20. The prime objective of this study involves the ways to add to the profitability of the organization by enhancing the productivity of the employees.